Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jamé Mosque of Isfahan

Jamé Mosque of Isfahan

Jame Mosque is a historical mosque in Isfahan, Iran. It was constructed and renovated around 771 to the end of the 20th century. This mosque is different because of its four-iwan architectural style; four gates are placed face to face. It has two brick domed chambers. The south dome was built by Nizam al-Mulk in 1086-87 and his rival Taj al-Mulk built the north dome a year later.

February 4, 2010

Tipu Sultan Shahi Mosque in India

The Tipu Sultan Shahi Mosque is situated at 185 Dhartamtalla Street, Kolkata, India. Prince Ghulam Mohammed, the youngest son of Tipu Sultan constructed this mosque in 1832.Based on Mughal Architectural style, facing the south; it is a double-aisled mosque with 16 domes and 4 Minarets. It is a cultural heritage building.1000 people can pray together in this mosque. A committee, called "Tipu Sultan Shahi Masjid Protection and Welfare Committee" protects this mosque.

February 3, 2010

Fazl Mosque in UK

Fazl Mosque is situated at 16 Gressenhall Road, Wands worth, UK near King George's Park. This mosque was founded by Hazrat Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad, in 1924 and inaugurated on October 23, 1926. Fazl Mosque is made on Indo Architectural Style. It has one dome. Being the first Ahmadiyya mosque of London it is also called the London Mosqueby Ahmadiyya followers. Since April 1984 it is used by the Ahmadiyya sect's Khalifatul Masih as residence.

January 23, 2009

Masjid Al-Quds in Cape Town

This is one of the most beautiful mosque of South Africa with excellent works of art on its wall and ceilings and a eye soothing dome.

December 29, 2008

Et'hem Bey Mosque in Albania

This mosque is located in the capital Tirana of Albania. It was built in 1823 but was opened on January 18, 1991 after the fall of communism in Albania. Many tourists around the world visit this eloquent mosqueeveryday.

December 16, 2008

Tianjin Great Mosque in China

Tianjin Great Mosque is one of the most beautiful and famous mosques in China and it consists of four main structures: the Screen Wall, the Archway, the Prayer Hall and the Preaching Hall. Many tourists from around the world comes to visit this holy mosque everyday.

December 11, 2008

Masjid Umar Al Farooq Mosque in United States of America

Masjid Umar Al-Farooq was established by MANW (Muslim Association of Northwest) in the north of Seattle in 1994. This mosque is the center for many activities like islamic education, religious preeching and so on.

September 30, 2008

Hagia Sophia Mosque In Turkey

Hagia Sophia Mosque In Istanbul of Turkey

Mosque in Morocco

Mosque in Casablanca of Morocco

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